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How to Keep Your Exterior Doors Mould Free

Mould on exterior doors not only looks unsightly, but it is a health hazard too. So how do you get rid of it when it appears? And what can you do to minimise the chances of encountering it in the first place? Stay tuned as we answer these questions and more in today's blog post, which is all about keeping exterior doors free of mould on a year-round basis.

What Causes Mould?

Mould loves moist conditions. It will only grow where moisture exists. Damp problems and condensation are the two primary causes of mould around the home, including exterior doors. Mould grows not just on timber doors but on uPVC doors as well. It can also affect painted metal doors in certain conditions.

Mould Prevention: What to Do to Retard the Growth of Mould on Exterior Doors

As with almost any household maintenance problem, taking preventative measures requires less time and effort than implementing a cure. With this in mind, we are going to examine a few ways in which you can retard or eliminate mould growth on your exterior doors before we discuss how to get rid of mould once it has established itself.

  • Apply Mould-Resistant Paint or Stain Blocker – One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent mould from gaining a foothold on your exterior doors is to paint them or apply a quality stain blocker. Timber and metal doors are the best candidates for mould-resistant paint, while uPVC doors are best treated with a stain blocker.
  • Improve Airflow – Moisture tends to form in areas where airflow is poor. If you want to prevent mould from growing on your exterior doors, make sure the air is flowing freely around your property. If there are any fences, hedges or porches restricting the movement of air, consider removing them.
  • Clean Regularly – Mould needs oxygen, water and nourishment to survive. You can remove any potential sources of nourishment by cleaning metal and uPVC doors regularly. It won’t eliminate the possibility of mould in the future, but it will make it less likely.
  • Wipe Down in Wet Weather – If conditions are particularly humid or wet, wipe down your exterior doors now and then.

Try all these suggestions and the chances of mould growing on your exterior doors will be significantly reduced. Even if you can only implement 1 or 2 of these ideas, your efforts are sure to reduce the chances of mould making an appearance in the future. This is assuming that your property is free of any damp issues of course.

Mould Elimination: Removing Mould From Exterior Doors

If you already have mould on your exterior doors and you want to know how to get rid of it quickly, safely, efficiently and with a minimum of fuss, we suggest following these steps:

  • Pour 60 ml of bleach and 15 ml of dishwashing soap into an empty spray bottle.
  • Fill another spray bottle with a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water.
  • Wet the surface of the affected door with your garden hose, using a fine mist setting.
  • Use a broom to scrub the surface of the door while it is still wet.
  • Spray the door with bleach and dishwashing soap solution, and scrub the surface vigorously with the broom again. Be sure to spray and brush corners and crevices thoroughly.
  • Rinse the door with the hose. The bleach and soap solution will kill all live mould spores immediately, so there is no need to wait once you have finished scrubbing for the second time.
  • Spray the door with your vinegar and water solution, and then go over it one last time with your broom. This will remove any traces of the bleach and soap solution that may remain, after which you can rinse with water again. Your door should now be clean and, more importantly, free of mould.

This method works on almost all exterior doors, including timber, painted metal and uPVC doors. However, if you have any concerns about potential damage, we recommend consulting the manufacturer or supplier of your exterior doors before trying it. Of course, Rock Solid Doors can also help!


Job well done

My compliments on a job well done, I will be sure to heartily recommend your excellent service to anyone I know of in need of a new door Kind regards Johnny.
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0800 540 4366
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